Great Smoky Mountains National Park 

Discover the beauty of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park through our original, hand-drawn story map and accompanying gifts by renowned illustrator and Xplorer Maps Co-Founder, Chris Robitaille. Officially dedicated by President FDR in 1940, this UNESCO World Heritage Site spans the border between Tennessee and North Carolina and stands as America’s most visited national park, drawing over 10 million visitors annually. Renowned for its rich biological diversity, ancient forested ridges, and well-preserved Southern Appalachian mountain culture, the park boasts more than 90 historic log structures.

Our hand-drawn illustrated map is the result of a collaborative partnership between Xplorer Maps and the Great Smoky Mountains Association (GSMA), a non-profit dedicated to the park’s preservation and conservation. The original artwork has been donated to the GSMA, and proceeds from every product sold will continue to support this important organization in perpetuity.

Great Smoky Mountains National Park Map Playing cards that features iconic attractions, flora and fauna of that area - Green Metal Tin
Great Smoky Mountain National Park Map Playing Cards